Dearest, Lucas...

"He might only be here for a part of your life...
But to him, you are his entire world."

In honor of National Dog Day, I'm going to turn the spot light over to a very special member of this family that doesn't get nearly in return what he gives us...

This is our miniature poodle and youngest son, Lucas.

Say "Hey" Lucas!

Lucas came to our lives May-ish 2012 when he was just a couple months old.

Lucas' First Baby Picture

With our little one being just 6 months at the time and the closest human to the ground- Lucas and baby became instant best friends and partners in crime.

Baby and puppy getting acquainted

Little did I know at the time the responsibility I had taken on. For having a puppy was nothing like having a puppy at all- but more like having another baby. 

Lucas first home haircut/Youtube tutorial fail... PetsMart saved this day.

But the decision to bring you into our home was ours, and raising you was our promise to keep.

Lucas sharing his home in return.

And while being your mom hasn't always been easy...

Lucas and baby cuddled up after a fight.

We wouldn't trade you for any other. (I was joking about the pug that one time.)

Halloween 2013

See, the truth really is... 

That the more I acknowledge how loved you really are... the harder it is to imagine having to go on without you someday- whenever that day comes. 

Like I tell all my kids when they misbehave... "Momma was joking about the whole adoption thing." Believe that even if I don't always like you- (like when you've peed our bed after laundry day... or when I slid on your poop in the dark... or how you bite the ears and limbs off all the kids new toys and annihilate the eco-friendly wooden ones...)

I still love you.

Thank you for being our loyal friend and companion. For being babies first best friend, co-conspirator and for keeping the monsters away at night. For always coming back no matter how much we push you away and for not leaving our side when we're in need of a friend. For nudging our hands with your cold nose in the summer and keeping our feet warm in the winter. For loving us on our worst days and loving us even more on the good. Thank you for forgiving us when we've been mean and not judging us when we're wrong. For the heads up when solicitors come knocking and alerting potential burglars that they won't be climbing through our windows at night without first being announced. There aren't many friends out there in the world that possess all of the qualities I've found in you- in fact, none. And this, my friend, makes you priceless.

Most of all, thank you for making our family COMPLETE. 

Love Always,



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